How to Join…
So you’ve decided you would like to
become a Freemason. Here is some more
information you might find useful.
People join Freemasonry for all sorts of reasons.
Here are just a few of them…

Because it’s a lot of Fun!
A Masonic Lodge provides wide ranging opportunities for socialising, having fun, and making new friends.

Because it’s Open…
Freemasonry is inclusive. We’ve been celebrating Diversity for hundreds of years! Membership is open to people from all walks of life regardless of
Race, Creed, or Nationality

Because it’s a challenge
The various aspects of running a Lodge provide real life experience in such diverse areas as Administration, Financial Management, Event Planning, Fundraising, Training & Education, Public Speaking, and Social Welfare.

Because it’s Fascinating
Freemasonry affords its members the chance to become part of a rich historical and cultural tradition which has existed for over 300 years.

Because its worthwhile
Freemasonry is a worthwhile way to spend some of your free time. It provides a real chance to make a positive impact in the Community and to make a real difference to the lives of people who are in
need of assistance.
A few things you need to know before applying to join our Lodge.
Membership is open to people from all walks of life regardless of Race, Creed, or Nationality.
You don’t have to be introduced, or to know someone
who is a Freemason.
All Freemasons are required to have a belief in a
Supreme Being.
All Freemasons are required to obey the law and to be good citizens.
Membership is open to Men over the age of 18.
Freemasons are specifically prohibited from using their masonic affiliations to further their own (or anyone else’s) business interests.
Freemasons regularly donate money to Charity.
No one, however, is asked to donate more than
they can afford.
A Freemason’s first duty is always the well-being
of his family.