History Update

1723 Book of Constitutions

Freemasonry’s first Book of Constitutions is 300 years old. Find out how this seminal work is still relevant in the 21st Century

In January 2023 a very rare event will take place at Freemasons’ Hall in London when an “especial” meeting of the United Grand Lodge of England will take place. The Reason: to celebrate the publication in 1723 of the first “Book of Constitutions”

Freemasons Hall

Authored by Dr. James Anderson, the Book of Constitutions eventually became, after many republications over the centuries, the rulebook by which Freemasonry is governed throughout the world.

Published in a time of political upheaval (the Jacobite Rebellion having only been put down a few years earlier), the importance of this book lies in it’s promotion of enlightenment principles such as religious tolerance, the promotion of education and science, meritocracy; and a world described by rational observation rather than religious dogma. It also espoused constitutional government and democratic accountability.

Those principles still reverberate to this day as they form the bedrock of the policies of modern liberal and democratic governments throughout the world.

As well as the “Especial” meeting there will be a new Exhibition at the Museum of Freemasonry in London called “Inventing the Future”, a three day conference at Queen’s College, Cambridge from the 22/24the September 2023; and a new book by Ric Berman also called ‘Inventing the Future’ which is available at The Shop at Freemasons’ Hall and online at Amazon.

Much more detailed information is available on
the new 1723 Constitutions website.

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