W.Bro F. Handscombe 1933 – 2023
It is with great sadness that we record the death of our long serving former Secretary
Frank Handscombe BEM
who passed away peacefully on 14th December 2023 after a short illness.
Frank was born in Waltham Forest on 4th January 1933. At some point during the Blitz he was evacuated to Rotherham in Yorkshire. On leaving school he qualified as a Toolmaker before joining the Merchant Navy. A man of considerable ability he continued his studies in Engineering, eventually qualifying as a Chartered Marine Engineer with the rank of Chief Engineer.
At this time Frank met and married his wife Judy and together they spent the next 4 years travelling the world’s oceans and visiting every continent. However the seagoing life was not conducive to raising a family and so they eventually settled in South Molton where Frank was employed as Production Manager at the local Chipboard Factory.
Community Work
Frank was always involved in community work. He ran the South Molton Judo Club for over 40 years, and in 2019 was awarded the British Empire Medal (BEM) for services to Judo and the local Community in South Molton.
On retirement from full time employment, Frank volunteered as a Red Cross driver running people to hospital appointments throughout the local area.
Frank’s other interests included Oil Painting and Gardening.
Frank became a Freemason at the age of 28 when he joined the Temple Bar Lodge No 5962 in Cheshunt, Herts on 1st March 1961. However on moving to South Molton he became a joining member of the Loyal Lodge of Industry No 421 on 5th September 1978, becoming its Worshipful Master in 1990.
In October 1995 he was appointed as Lodge Secretary, a post he served in continuously for a period of 28 Years until he finally stepped down at the age of 90 in September 2023.
Frank’s first provincial appointment came in 1999 when he was appointed to the rank of Provincial Senior Grand Deacon. Promotion followed in 2005 when he was appointed Provincial Junior Grand Warden. Further honours came in 2009 with appointment to the Grand Rank of Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies. He was further promoted to the rank of Past Junior Grand Deacon in 2021.
Frank was highly respected throughout Devonshire Freemasonry, evidenced by the fact that in March 2022, the then Deputy Provincial Grand Master VW Bro Nicholas Ball personally travelled from his home in Plymouth to South Molton to present Frank with his 60 Year service certificate.

Frank did not restrict himself to Craft Freemasonry being an active member of 4 other orders namely Royal Arch, Mark Master Masons, Royal Ark Mariners and the Royal Order of Scotland
Masonic Charity
Frank’s biggest contribution to Freemasonry must be considered to be his long-time association with the Provincial Grand Lodge of Devonshire Benevolent Fund. Frank had been elected to be a Committee member of the Fund in 2000 and in 2004 was appointed as the Honorary Secretary. Frank remained in this role as Benevolent Fund Secretary until he resigned in October 2023, 19 years of valued service to this Committee.

In January 2007 the Devonshire Provincial Grand Lodge Festival for the Royal Masonic Trust for Girls & Boys (RMTGB) was launched with the Provincial Grand Charity Steward, W Bro. Conrad Donaldson as Festival Secretary and W Bro. Frank Handscombe as Assistant Festival Secretary. Conrad & Frank planned and organised the Appeal, working as a team throughout, talking weekly and sometimes more frequently. The result in 2012 was the magnificent total of £3.8m being raised by Devonshire and the appeal was considered as a model for future delivery of all Masonic Charity Appeals.
…and finally
May his other pilgrimage be aided by those who have gone before and now meet to conduct him to that seat not made by hands, Eternal in the Heavens, to rest in peace.
This article is based on the Eulogy presented in open Lodge by Frank’s great friend WBro. T.B. White PAGDC on 9th January 2024