
Open Days 2024

Freemasons’ Hall South Molton

The first Masonic Lodge in South Molton was formed in 1834.   For the first year of its existence it met in a pub called the Ring O’ Bells in Duke Street.  The pub is long gone but the building remains. In 1842 the Lodge moved to The George where it remained until it relocated to our present building in 1847.

The cost of building the new Masonic Hall was £450
(£73,700 in today’s money).

This year’s series of three Community Open Days attracted around 150 visitors who were able to view the interior of the beautiful, atmospheric Lodge Room as well as to search through the Honours boards in the dining room which list every Master of the Lodge since 1834.  Many prominent people in the town have been members over the years including several Town Mayors, there are many distinctly “South Molton” names among them

Searching for family members.

One visitor had travelled all the way from Pontypridd in South Wales to visit us.  Having seen our promotional posts on social media, Worshipful Brother Martin Tapp PPrJGD, a member of St Catherine’s Lodge No 9503 drove down the M5 especially to visit us. 

Having family in South Molton, Martin has often driven past the our Hall and wondered what it was like inside.   He was not disappointed, “It is magnificent” said Martin “…and well worth the journey”.  We hope to receive Martin and other members of his Lodge as visitors to one of our meetings in the New Year.

Martin Tapp (L) with Lodge member Peter Kyle

We have also received several kind comments from members of the South Molton Community.

Carol Norrish
Mary Bragg
Stella Levy
Lisa Chanter
Gina Ambridge
Alan Ingleton

This series of Open Days was the brainchild of Lodge member John Burridge, supported by a team of enthusiastic volunteers.

John Burridge

Freemasons’ Hall will be open again next year, so if you missed out this time, be sure to watch our social media for dates and times.

In the meantime if you want to know more about Freemasonry in South Molton or think you might like to join our Lodge, why not visit our website at…


Statement from UGLE

“Some 300 years ago the Grand Lodge of England published the Constitutions of the Free Masons which was adapted into the Constitutions of the new United Grand Lodge of England (“UGLE”) in 1815. 

These same Constitutions were adopted in 1908 by the Honourable Order of Ancient Masonry, which decided in 1920 to restrict admission to women only, and by 1935 was an exclusively female Grand Lodge. In 1958 the name was changed to The Order of Women Freemasons’ (“OWF”). In addition in 1913 the Honourable Fraternity of Ancient Freemasons (“HFAF”) was formed, also, exclusively for women and it remains so today one hundred and eleven years later. 

Both organisations still operate today and, together with UGLE, follow the same rules and regulations and promote integrity, friendship, respect, and service.  UGLE is the largest and the oldest of the orders of Freemasonry in England and Wales and fully collaborates and shares premises with both the female Grand Lodges. All three Grand Lodges have been involved in Open House London at Freemasons’ Hall in recent years to showcase both male and female Freemasonry as well as taking part in joint activities up and down the country, for example as part of the Universities Scheme or attending major meetings. There is much local cooperation throughout the country.   

Neither OWF nor HFAF has any desire or intention to change their exclusively female membership, and their members value the practising of Freemasonry in a safe and single sex environment. This is supported by UGLE. Both Women’s Orders are entirely supportive of the UGLE remaining an exclusively male organisation. Such an approach is not uncommon in other aspects of life, for example sports teams, and is entirely consistent with the principles of freedom of association so fundamental to the way of life in this country. 

All three Grand Lodges will continue to work together to remove misconceptions and myths, as well as tackling prejudice, about Freemasonry which is a secular, inclusive and law-abiding activity in the United Kingdom. Its members are strongly encouraged to play an active and positive role in the communities where they live, through service by giving their time, skills and expertise to local organisations, as well as supporting local charities with donations.”

UGLE 13/06/2024
Charity News

A Marathon Effort!

The money raised will be donated to the
Sue Ryder Foundation
in memory of Lizzie’s late uncle Steve, whose picture she carried around the course on her backpack

We were delighted this week to receive the following from Lizzie and George…

Lizzie & George
News Update

Freemasons’ Hall gets a makeover.

One of South Molton’s historical Landmarks has recently undergone extensive refurbishment and restoration. Freemasons’ Hall in New Road is a grade II listed building erected in 1846, which has been the home of the Town’s three Masonic Lodges for almost 180 years.

Renovating a building of this age is not without its challenges. Every aspect of the refurbishment had to be carefully considered, and Listed Building Consent obtained before the work could begin.

The building had been showing its age in recent years and had acquired a layer of grime caused by atmospheric pollution. This had to be carefully removed without damage to the render beneath.

Cleaning revealed some damage to the surface which had to be sympathetically restored to match the existing finish.

The most expensive part of the restoration was the replacement of the beautiful arched windows on the fascia of the building.

These were custom built by local South Molton firm M.J. Latham Joinery from sustainable hardwood. Installation proved to be tricky as the methods adopted by builders in the 19th Century were not the same as those of today.

Installation complete, the new windows and the surrounding mouldings and pediments have been repainted to provide protection from the elements for many years to come.

One feature of the building which had become somewhat forgotten over time is the Cornice running along the roofline. It features a shield bearing a pair of Compasses and the title FREEMASONS’ HALL.

This had become badly weathered over the years and it’s original paintwork had largely disappeared.

This has now been repaired and repainted to restore it to its former glory.

The completion of the external works marks the end of an extensive period of renovation which has seen both the exterior and the interior of this magnificent old building preserved and protected for generations to come.

It can be visited by prior arrangement and is open to all. The Hall contains a wealth of original features which make it unique both as an historical landmark and as a long standing part of the social fabric of the town of South Molton.

Keith Rodulson, Chairman of the Board of Trustees for the Building said…

Freemasonry has been a part of South Molton life for almost 200 years. We believe that this unique and fascinating building should be preserved and cherished as a memorial to the hundreds of local residents who have met within its walls to provide support and benefit to those in need throughout North Devon.

We hope that by undertaking this work now, future generations of South Molton Freemasons will continue to support local good causes and that this building will stand as a tangible symbol of our core values of Integrity, Friendship, Respect and Service to the Community”

Keith Rodulson

For more information on Freemasonry in South Molton, or to arrange a conducted tour of the Building

Click Here

Charity News Update

Calvert Trust

Calvert Trust

Helen McIntosh has nominated Exmoor’s Calvert Trust as her nominated Charity following the very successful Ladies Night held recently

Each year we invite the wife or partner of our worshipful Master to nominate a local Charity to receive the monies raised at the annual Ladies Night. This year Mrs. Helen McIntosh has selected Exmoor’s Calvert Trust to be the very worthy recipient.

Situated at Wistlandpound in the Exmoor National Park, the Calvert Trust is a registered charity providing exciting, fun, and accessible breaks and activities for children, adults, families and groups with disabilities.

Since 1996 they have been welcoming guests with physical, behavioural, sensory, and learning disabilities to their dedicated activity centre, encouraging them to take part in an exclusive range of adventurous activities and push themselves in a positive, safe and challenging way. 

Located in the rolling hills of Exmoor, their fully accessible centre offers high quality facilities and professionally adaptive accommodation all nestled in the tranquil environment of the stunning Devon countryside.   

Calvert Exmoor takes a unique and personal approach, journeying with their guests on a road to self-confidence, empowerment, and inclusivity. Whether guests are visiting by themselves, with family or friends, or as part of a group, they provide breaks and activities for everyone regardless of age or ability; and prove…

“…it’s what you CAN do that counts! “

Peter Kyle(L), Helen McIntosh, Emily Parkes, Ray McIntosh

On 13th April 2023 Helen, along with husband Ray and Peter Kyle our Charity Steward (i.e. Chief Fundraiser) visited the Trust and met with Emily Parkes their Fundraising Officer. They enjoyed a tour of the extensive and impressive facilities, during which they learned more about the Trust and it’s work.

At the end of the visit Helen presented Emily with a cheque for £500 on behalf of South Molton Freemasons. Emily said…

On behalf of the Calvert Trust, I would like to say a huge thank you to South Molton’s Freemasons for this generous and most welcome donation. It means a lot. It is particularly lovely to note that this money was raised here in our local North Devon community

Emily Parkes – Fundraising Officer, Calvert Trust.

In reply Peter Kyle said…

South Molton Freemasons are delighted to be able to support the important work being carried out, in our local community, by the wonderful people here at the Calvert Trust. Having seen first hand the difference it can make to the lives of the people who holiday here, we are both humbled and proud to be able to play our small part in making it happen.

Peter Kyle – South Molton Freemasons

If you would like to know more about the Calvert Trust Exmoor or make your own donation…

Charity News Update

Ladies Night 2023

Life took a further step back to post Covid normality this week, when over 50 of South Molton’s Freemasons and their guests joined our Worshipful Master Ray McIntosh and his wife Helen to celebrate our first Ladies Festival in 4 years.
Helen and Ray McIntosh
Held once again at Bishops Nympton Village Hall, the event featured Comedy from Rose Chanon and Music by The Hummingbirds, ( a close harmony trio who performed classic songs from the 1940’s and 50’s.
Before the entertainment began, everyone sat down to a sumptuous dinner of Canapes, followed by Chicken Supreme in a Cider Apple Sauce and finished off by a delicious trio of desserts; Pavlova, Cheesecake and Lemon Posset.
No Masonic event would be complete without a Raffle in aid of Charity. With prizes donated by the Lodge members, ticket sales amounted to over £285 which will be donated to The Calvert Trust, Helen’s nominated Charity for this year.
A wonderful evening with good food, great entertainment and the company of Friends!
What more could you ask for?

We look forward to doing it all over again in 2024…
News Update

New PGM for Devonshire

Devonshire’s next Provincial Grand Master is to be its current Deputy Provincial Grand Master… VW Bro Nicholas Andrew Ball.

VW Bro Nicholas A. Ball PGSwdB

On Wednesday 4th January 2023 the leader of Devonshire’s Freemasons, Provincial Grand Master
RWBro Ian Kingsbury JP
announced who would be succeeding him on his retirement later this year.

It is with great pleasure that I am able to announce that the MW The Grand Master has been pleased to appoint VW Bro. Nicholas Andrew Ball PGSwdB, the current Deputy Provincial Grand Master of Devonshire, to the office of
Provincial Grand Master for Devonshire
with effect from 4th March 2023 when I retire from the post.

I know that this announcement will be received with pleasure by our members, and we congratulate and wish him many years in which to lead this wonderful Province.

RW Bro Ian Kingsbury – Provincial Grand Master, Devonshire


65 year old Nick was born in Plymouth on St Andrew’s Day in 1957. He attended his local school before going on to study Engineering at the University of Glasgow. He is a Chartered Engineer and has worked for Toshiba Air Conditioning for 30 years where he is currently Engineering Director.

He and his wife Gill still live in the Plymouth area. They have 2 children and 3 Grandchildren.

Apart from Freemasonry Nick likes to keep fit. He enjoys the rigours of open water swimming and swims in the sea 5 days a week for all 52 weeks of the year! He also enjoys the odd round of Golf when time permits.

His other great passion is football, in particular Manchester United. A former Old Trafford season ticket holder, he has supported the Club since the days of George Best, Bobby Charlton and Dennis Law and has seen them play in numerous European Finals. These days he regularly watches Plymouth Argyle but in his heart he remains… ManU!

Masonic Career

Nick has been a Freemason since 1986 when he joined the Pelican Lodge No. 7878 becoming its Worshipful Master in 1993. He is also a member of The Sir Joshua Reynolds Lodge No. 4782.

Nick is also a Royal Arch Mason and is a past 1st Principal of
St. John’s Chapter No. 70

His first senior appointment in the Province of Devonshire was in 2006 when he was appointed to serve as
Provincial Senior Grand Warden.

He has long experience as a member of the Provincial Executive having been first appointed to the post of Assistant Provincial Grand Master in 2010. He was subsequently promoted to Deputy Provincial Grand Master in 2013.

We asked Nick to tell us how it felt to have been selected to lead Devonshire’s Freemasons. He said…

I am enormously honoured to have been granted the opportunity to serve this wonderful Province of Devonshire. I am really excited about the many big challenges we will be tackling over the coming years.

VW Bro. Nicholas A. Ball. DProvGM – Devonshire

The members of The Loyal Lodge of Industry No. 421, wish to express their warmest congratulations, and wish Nick a long and happy experience as the next Provincial Grand Master of the Masonic Province of Devonshire.

News Update

50… Not Out!

Our January 2023 meeting, saw our recently retired Treasurer, WBro Richard Fardon reach a very special milestone when he celebrated
50 years as a Freemason.

Richard Fardon

To mark the occasion, he was presented with a Certificate on behalf of the Provincial Grand Master RW Bro Ian Kingsbury JP by none other than our own
WBro Frank Handscombe BEM, PJGD.

Richard’s first step on the road to his “half century” began on the 20th January 1973, when he joined Coningsby Lodge No 6383 in Hereford. In 1979, having moved to the Province of Middlesex, he became a joining member of Byron Lodge No 7426, a membership with continues to this day. He has served twice as Worshipful Master, in both 1984 and 1998.

Eventually, having moved to Devon, he joined our Lodge,
The Loyal Lodge of Industry No 421,
in 2003. He became the Lodge’s Treasurer in 2004, a post he held continuously until his retirement in October last year.

Richard has also been an active Royal Arch Freemason having joined Corinthian Chapter No 4917 in 1977. He served as First Principal of Byron Chapter No 7426 in 1992 and also of Wimbledon Chapter No 3160 in 2002. He holds Provincial Grand Rank in both Surrey and Middlesex.

Worshipful Master Ray McIntosh, Richard Fardon and Frank Handscombe

Referring to Richard’s extensive and comprehensive CV, Frank Handscombe expressed astonishment at the sheer number of offices Richard has served in over the 50 years. He has set a fine example to younger Members setting out on their own masonic journey, as someone who epitomises the motto
“Service before Self”

Everyone at Loyal Lodge of Industry No 421 would like to express their thanks to Richard for all his hard work over the years and to wish him and his wife Mary, a long, happy and comfortable retirement.

News Update

Obituary: John Robert Finch 1947-2022

We were greatly saddened this week to learn of the death of Worshipful Brother John Robert Finch a member and Past Master of The Loyal Lodge of Industry No 421.

John Finch

John (75) had bravely battled cancer for many years, showing an astonishing level of courage and stoicism, in the face of his illness.  He is perhaps best known to our members as the man who occupied the Master’s Chair in the Lodge for 2 consecutive years during the recent Covid-19 Pandemic. 

With all masonic meetings suspended for the first time in the Order’s history,  John undertook to hold the Lodge together by organising monthly Zoom meetings to keep channels of communication open.  He would create an agenda just as we would for a normal Lodge meeting, and would guide those present through a list of talks, reports and other masonic business; successfully maintaining a sense of normality during one of the most “abnormal” times in our recent history.  So great was his enthusiasm for what was then very new technology, he once chaired a meeting from his hospital bed in the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital!

John’s Masonic Career

Hailing originally from the West Midlands, John joined Greville Lodge No 4773 in Warwick on the 18th March 1982 at the age of 35.  He served as that Lodge’s Worshipful Master in 1997/8 and remained a subscribing member until 2012.  As a result of his long service to Warwickshire Freemasonry he was appointed to the rank of Past Provincial Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies on the 22nd May 2004

Having moved to the village of Bishop’s Nympton, near South Molton, John became a joining member of the Loyal Lodge of Industry No 421 on 5th June 2007 and was installed into the Master’s Chair on the 2nd October 2018.  As detailed above he held this post until a successor was finally appointed on 5th October 2020.  In recognition of his outstanding leadership and dedication, on the 5th April 2022 the Provincial Grand Master of Devonshire Right Worshipful Bro. Ian Kingsbury JP was pleased to promote John, by way of a very rare field promotion, to the senior rank of Past Provincial Junior Grand Warden.

John was also a member of Fortescue Lodge of Mark Master Masons No. 9, which he served as Worshipful Master (again for a 2 year period between 2017 and 2019) achieving the Rank of PPrGJD in 2021. He was elevated into Fortescue Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners No. 9 in 2014.

Charity Work

During a visit to North Devon District Hospital at an early stage in his treatment, John received a “Box of Kindness”  from local Charity ChemoHero (  This act of generosity, aimed directly at serving the needs of Chemotherapy patients, touched John to the extent that during the remainder of his time as Worshipful Master he set about raising funds to support their work.  

John with Rob and Lisa Wallis

The photo above shows John with the Charity’s Co-founders, the late Lisa Wallis BEM and her husband Rob on a cold and windy Fremington Quay where he presented them (socially distanced of course) with a cheque from the Loyal Lodge of Industry for over £800

In memoriam

John’s quiet and unassuming nature, his warm caring personality, his boundless enthusiasm and his wry sense of humour will be sadly missed by all who knew him; but especially by his masonic Brethren who were privileged to see the best of a very special man.  

Our thoughts go out to John’s wife Pip and the family at this sad time.

Rest in Peace.

News Uncategorized

Armistice Day 2022

This year’s Armistice Day wreath laying ceremony in South Molton, was supported by the Masters of all three of the town’s masonic Lodges.

At 11:00am on Friday 11th November 2022, the people of South Molton came together to remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice in service to their Country.

Low grey cloud and a keen south westerly wind formed a sombre backdrop to the Service of Remembrance, led by the Rev. Jane Lucas the Chaplain of the South Molton Branch of the
Royal British Legion.

The salute was taken by
Colonel (Ret’d) Paddy King-Fretts

The names of those South Molton residents killed in both World Wars and more recently in Afghanistan, were read out by Branch President Sir Richard Peek to be followed by a minute’s silence.

The lone bugler, Jane Toms then played a moving rendition of
The Last Post

Wreaths were laid by The Royal British Legion, The Town Council, South Molton Police, South Molton Freemasons and local schools.

Philip Carr, David Stanbury and Ray McIntosh represented the town’s 3 masonic Lodges

For the first time in many years, the current Masters of each of South Molton’s three masonic Lodges were all in attendance. The Loyal Lodge of Industry No 421 was represented by its Worshipful Master, Ray McIntosh.

Fortescue Lodge of Mark Master Masons No.9 by its Worshipful Master, David Stanbury and Fortescue Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners No 9, by its Worshipful Commander Philip Carr.

Commenting on the ceremony Ray McIntosh said…

“We are proud to be supporting this year’s Remembrance activities. Supporting our community is a very important part of what Freemasonry is all about. Freemasons have played a part in South Molton life for almost 200 years and we are delighted to continue that tradition.”

WBro Ray McIntosh.

To see more photos of the Wreath Laying Service

For more information on the work of the Royal British Legion or to make a donation,
click on the image below

For more information on Freemasonry in
South Molton